Committee Descriptions



Per Bylaws, there are three standing committees: Legislation, Membership/Nominating, and Conference/Program. Other committees may be added at the proposal of the Chair and cease to exist at the end of the term, unless approved to continue.
mfsrc committees

Legislative Committee

Description: This committee proposes, drafts and reviews legislation which is of interest to our organization. We also monitor legislation proposed by others. We often attend and testify at legislative hearings.


Membership/Nominating Committee

Description: This committee is responsible for ensuring that the organization runs smoothly and fairly.

This committee has the following subcommittees:

  • Constitution and Bylaws
    This committee provides advice to the Board if there is a question as to polling, voting, and motions. When an amendment is required to update our Constitution or By-Laws, the committee is there to assist the Board in drafting the proposal disseminating, discussing and voting on the proposal. Our most essential function is that every five years, we gather information from each county to realign the districts so that each county has fair representation on the Board of Directors.

  • Nominations and Elections
    This committee works to find interested members who would like to serve on the board or on various committees. They run the elections at conference and work to fill vacancies that may occur on the board.

  • Awards
    This committee reviews and selects nominees of worthy child support workers for awards to be presented at the MFSRC Fall Conference each year. The categories of awards are, Honorary Life Member, Outstanding Program Achievement, Outstanding Customer Services Award, Program Awareness Award, and Outstanding Program Achievement. 


Conference Committee

Description: This committee plans the annual MFSRC Training Conference. They review prior year’s conference comments, decide on conference theme, keynote speakers, giveaways, venue, breakout sessions and all other aspects of the conference. We meet five times per year in the St Cloud area at the same time as the Legislative Committee and prior to the full board meeting.

This committee has the following subcommittees:

  • Conference Site
    This committee is responsible for researching and reserving facilities to accommodate the annual fall training conference. Duties include, but are not limited to: cost analysis of facilities that meet the site and size requirements for space, detailed set up of rooms for sessions, coordinates the location of registration, breaks and activities with the facility, coordinates the room and meal accommodations for the conference speakers and scholarship recipients, and makes decisions regarding food and beverages at the conference. The chair acts as the point of contact and liaison between the group and the facility and acts as a point person at the conference (or appoints someone) for questions, problems, etc.

  • Historical
    This committee is the keeper of all old documents, programs, and pictures that document MFSRC history and the projects that our organization has worked on. The committee also takes pictures of Award winners at the Banquet and pictures of our speakers, sessions, work groups and conference activities.

  • Registration
    This committee’s commitment is for two years. Responsible for receiving all registrations for conference from counties and other attendees, maintain and reconcile checkbook for deposits from registration payments and vendors, and disbursement for expenses. Maintain a database of all registrant names from which to make nametags, organize packets for all conference attendees. Run registration at the conference. Report registration status/comments/issues at Program and Board meetings. Prepare an Income/Expense Statement at close of conference.

Communications Committee

Description: This committee maintains the website and handles marketing and public relations activity.

This committee has the following subcommittees:

  • Public Relations
    The committee maintains and updates the full membership email list and sends emails as appropriate.

  • Website
    This committee maintains the content on the MFSRC website. Committee members update the site or work with our service provider to make sure the changes are made. The committee is not responsible to create or draft email or web content.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
Description: This committee’s purpose is to ensure MFSRC focuses on the ethical treatment and welfare of our members, the communities we serve, and those impacted by our organization’s work and trainings. We want to ensure that we are continuously mindful of the value of diversity, equity and inclusion.

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